Дитяча бідність: вплив війни на стан домогосподарств з дітьми. Аналітична записка = CHILD POVERTY: initial estimates of the impact of the war on the situation of households with children. Policy brief
Type of periodical: Other
Publication types: Printed edition
Section: Sociology
Publication date: 2023
Authors: Liudmyla Cherenko, Volodymyr Sarioglo
Summary: The publication relies on a wide range of information, analytical and statistical materials and findings of expert discussions initiated by the UNICEF Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, first of all Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies. The open debate and exchange of data and analytical materials among the key organizations involved in analysis of poverty issues will promote a more perfect management decision-making process due to provision of unbiased estimates.
Available at: https://www.unicef.org/ukraine/media/38971/file/ChildPovertyfullversion6April2023eng.pdf
Responsible institutions: Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of NAS of Ukraine
Other institutions: United Nations Children’s Fund Office in Ukraine
Size in pages: 28