Consultations concerning scientific and publishing activity

According to the Regulations of the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it is tasked to ensure the publishing activities of the Academy. The Scientific and Methodological Support Group of NAS of Ukraine is responsible for the implementation of tasks in the main areas of activity of the Scientific and Publishing Council of NAS of Ukraine. Within these directions, the Scientific and Publishing Council of NAS of Ukraine provides consultations to subjects of the publishing business of NAS of Ukraine: institutions, publishing houses, in particular, editorial offices of printed periodical publications, authors, scientific and technical information units, scientific and publishing councils of institutions.

Most often, consultations deal with the regulatory and legal basis of publishing in Ukraine and the Academy (issues regarding current legislation and regulatory acts in the field of publishing), as well as with specific issues regarding the preparation and release of books and periodicals by institutions of NAS of Ukraine.

Consultative help can be obtained by phone: (044) 239-6589, 239-6795, or e-mail: Questions, the clarifications of which are most often provided by the Scientific and Methodological Support Group of Publishing Activity of NAS of Ukraine, are covered on this website.

