Territorial and sociocultural conditions of the Ukrainian language functioning in Ukraine

Type of periodical: Monographies

Publication types: Online

Section: Linguistics

Publication date: 2023

Authors: S.O. Sokolova, M.O. Hontar, O.M. Danylevska et al.

Editors: Resp. Editor S.O. Sokolova

Summary: The collective monograph presents the results of the language situation study in Ukraine, carried out in 2016 – 2020 by the staff of the sociolinguistics group of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For the first time, the methodology of a complex multicomponent analysis was tested on a large factual material, which involved the results of a statistically reliable sociological survey, conducted thanks to participation in an international scientific project financed by the Volkswagen Foundation and the results of the target audience (students and teachers of higher education institutions, employees of secondary education institutions) survey, focus group research materials, analysis of language biographies and media texts. This material highlights the main features of language processes in different regions of the country and among speakers with various social characteristics. Special attention is paid to the functioning of the language in education, mass communication, the service sector, among the younger generation, etc. The dynamics of the language situation development was traced by comparing it with the previous researches, in particular with the INTAS project survey conducted 11 years earlier. For a deeper understanding of the language development processes, the work also characterizes the evolution of language legislation and the peculiarities of its implementation in real time. The research highlights the discussions surrounding the language issue. Taking into account the changes that have taken place in the language consciousness of Ukrainian citizens after Russia's full-scale invasion, the already written chapters of the monograph have been reoriented in terms of the obtained results' relevance, and the tasks of further research have been outlined.

Reading audience: This book is addressed to linguists, sociologists, political scientists, journalists, language planning specialists and public administration officials.

ISBN 978-617-14-0111-2

Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11qazzxXuQ-AVcrUzH9YFFfmfZDQ1BxrO/view

Series: Студії з українського мовознавства, 36

Responsible institutions: Institute of the Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine

Published: Kyiv

Size in pages: 786
