Сполучникові складносурядні речення української мови в нових координатах формально-граматичної та семантико-синтаксичної структури

Type of periodical: Monographies

Publication types: Printed edition

Section: Linguistics

Publication date: 2022

Authors: Horodenska K.

Summary: In the monograph, the syntactic structure of Ukrainian syndetic compound sentences is comprehensively investigated on new theoretical bases. The traditional definition of a compound sentence is corrected, which made it possible to eliminate the main contradictory thesis — the complete grammatical and semantic independence of the combined predicative clauses and to accept their partial grammatical and semantic dependence, unequally characteristic of different semantic types of compound sentences. The theoretical basis of selection of only syndetic compound sentences and the invalidity of singling out asyndetic compound sentences with time relations are found out. Semantic-syntactic relations are admitted as the basis for the formation of the semantic-syntactic structure and semantic type of compound sentences. In accordance with five types of semantic-syntactic relations — comparative, adversative, disjunctive, gradational and connecting — five semantic types of compound sentences are formed: 1) comparative; 2) adversative; 3) disjunctive; 4) gradational; 5) connective. The sixth type — copulative compound sentences — is singled out on the basis of a formalized copulative relation, which compensated some semantic varieties of other semantic relations: 1) joint with the one-way semantic-syntactic relations between the subordinate clause and the principal clause in a complex sentence, which also became the basis for the three corresponding semantic varieties of copulative compound sentences: time (with the meaning of simultaneity and time sequence); causative-consecutive and conditional-consecutive with two-way causative-consecutive and conditional-consecutive semantic-syntactic relations between compound clauses; 2) restrictive (copulative-restrictive) relation formed by lexical means in the second compound clause, on the basis of which сopulative-restrictive compound sentences are singled out as an independent subtype of copulative compound sentences.

ISBN 978-617-8221-00-3

Responsible institutions: Institute of the Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine

Published: Kamianets-Podilskyi

Size in pages: 208

Print run: 100
