Editions in a book form Carbon Nanostructured Materials. Synthesis, Characterization, and Industrial Applications Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Diagnostics of rolling mills in transient operating modes Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Surface after diamond abrasive processing: roughness, films, change of elemental composition Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Патон Б. Е. Избранные труды Publication date: 2008. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: Russian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Prediction of the residual lifetime of oil and gas pipeline pipes, taking into account the operating conditions and degradation of their materials Publication date: 2023. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Аргонодугове та електронно-променеве зварювання псевдо-β титанового сплаву ВТ 19 Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Радіаційно-, термічно- і деформаційно-індуковані ефекти в кремнії та германії Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Динаміка прокатного стана «Слябінг 1150» Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Втомна довговічність наплавлених деталей Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.
Editions in a book form Застосування спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення в матеріалознавстві та термічній обробці металів та сплавів : методич. посіб. Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Study materials. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Materials science.