Editions in a book form Звіт про наукову діяльність ДУ «Інститут ринку і економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України» за 2023 рік Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Leaders of scientific progress: under the sign of Nobel: second edition, suppl. Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Українські обрії Василя Щавинського: мистецтвознавця, колекціонера, бібліофіла Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Ethnographic activity of Yury Shumovskyi Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Роман Михайлович Кушнір. Біобібліографічний покажчик Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Борис Євгенович Патон. Біобібліографія Publication date: 2008. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Патонівська школа : науково-інформаційне видання Publication date: 2010. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Академік Борис Патон – праця на все життя Publication date: 2002. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Popular science edition. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Б.Є. Патон: 50 років на чолі Академії = Б.Е. Патон: 50 лет во главе Академии Publication date: 2012. Type of edition: Monographies. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Феномен Патона. Портрет в интерьере двух столетий Publication date: 2010. Type of edition: Monographies. Section: History of science.