Editions in a book form Challenges and paradigm of national and international security of the XXI century: economic and technogenic discourse Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Online. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: National security and defense.
Editions in a book form Smart technologies in urban engineering : proceedings of STUE-2022 Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: English. Section: Engineering science.
Editions in a book form Physicochemical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys. Structure, physical-mechanical and corrosion properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline iron-based alloys Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Joseph Gronsky. Lviv: historical studies Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History.
Editions in a book form The Ukrainian press in Ukraine and the world in the 19th and 20th centuries: a historical and bibliographical study. T. 7. 1919 Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Book science and library science.
Editions in a book form Information and communication activities of the library network of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the system of scientific communications Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Book science and library science.
Editions in a book form Національна стійкість України та національна безпека. Аналітична записка Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: National security and defense.
Editions in a book form Словник української мови XVI — першої половини XVII ст. Вип. 18 (МОВА — МАТКА) Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Linguistics.
Editions in a book form Аерокосмічний моніторинг археологічного ландшафту: правові та організаційні засади Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Archeology.
Editions in a book form Археологія України за роки незалежності Publication date: 2022. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Popular science edition. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Archeology.