Editions in a book form Борис Євгенович Патон. Біобібліографія Publication date: 2008. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Патонівська школа : науково-інформаційне видання Publication date: 2010. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Академік Борис Патон – праця на все життя Publication date: 2002. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Popular science edition. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History of science.
Editions in a book form Studies on onomastics and etymology. 2023—2024 Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Linguistics.
Editions in a book form Memory of the Second World War: historical discourse of European countries Publication date: 2023. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History.
Editions in a book form Antique and Medieval Heritage of the Northern Black Sea Region. Prominent sites and frequently used routes of coastal and underwater historical-archaeological tourism from the Danube to the Dnipro lowlands Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Reference literature. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Archeology.
Editions in a book form Ancient Egyptian antiquities of the XXI Dynasty in Ukrainian museums Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: History.
Editions in a book form Передача інформації по метеорних радіоканалах Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Monaiitomitry of tha Ukrainian Shield (Volyn and Dnlaatar-Bug megablocks) Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Geology.
Editions in a book form Journalism: theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions: supplement. and reported All-Ukrainian with international participation scientifical conf. (Lviv, December 1, 2023) Publication date: 2024. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Book science and library science.