Екологічна політика та технічне регулювання Європейського Союзу : навч. посіб.

Type of periodical: Study materials

Publication types: Online

Publication date: 2022

Authors: Якименко І.Л., Салавор О.М., Шаповалов Є.Б.

Summary: The textbook covers the formation of European Union’s environmental policy as one of the key policies of the EU and the basis for the EU’s sustainable development strategy. It highlights current European Union strategies to achieve sustainable development as a world leader in implementing the strategy through a range of environmental legislation and initiatives. The basic principles and normative documents on technical regulation in the EU and the role of technical regulation for the successful implementation of environmental legislation are also presented. Particular attention is paid to the prospects of Ukraine on the way of full implementation of environmental norms and principles of the EU in national legislation. The textbook was prepared in terms of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence JM ECO and Jean Monnet Support of Associations EUforUA / with the support of Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Reading audience: For students of higher educational institutions of all forms of education.

ISBN 978-966-612-277-6

Responsible institutions: National center «Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Published: Kyiv

Other institutions: National University of Food Technologies

Size in pages: 157
