Дія радіації на людину та довкілля. Радіаційний захист : навч. посіб.
Type of periodical: Monographies
Publication types: Printed edition
Section: Ecological science
Publication date: 2022
Authors: V.I. Havryliuk, A.V. Havryliuk-Burakova, S.S. Drapei et al.
Summary: The training manual examines the following issues: the physical nature of ionizing radiation, the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and the environment, IAEA safety standards, the legislation of Ukraine on radiation protection, measures, methods and means of protection against the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, devices for radiation reconnaissance and dosimetric control, organization of dosimetric control during the implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of an accident related to the dispersion of radioactive material, experience in ensuring radiation safety acquired during the elimination of the consequences of a radiation accident at the 4th unit of the Chernobyl NPP, responsibility for violating radiation protection requirements.
Responsible institutions: Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine
Published: Kyiv
Size in pages: 125
Print run: 16