Борис Євгенович Патон. Біобібліографія
Type of periodical: Reference literature
Publication types: Printed edition
Section: History of science
Publication date: 2008
Authors: Вступ. ст.: Походня І. К., Лебедєв В. К. ; уклад. Беляєва А. В., Корольова Т. Б., Лавриненко О. М. та ін.
Editors: Відп. ред. І. К. Походня
Summary: The book elucidates milestones of life, scientific, research-organizational and public work of an outstanding scientist in the field of welding, metallurgy and technology of metals, material science, prominent public figure and talented organiser of science, professor Boris Evgenievich PATON, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academy of Sciences of the former USSR and Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured scientist and technologist of the Ukrainian SSR, Twice Hero of the Socialist Labour of the USSR, Hero of Ukraine, participant in the Great Patriotic War, and liquidator of accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant. Indexes of published works acquaint the reader with the scientist's works.
Reading audience: The book is intended for scientists and everyone who is interested in the history of national science and technology.
ISBN 978-966-00-0797-0
Responsible institutions: Інститут електрозварювання ім. Є.О. Патона
Published: Kyiv
Size in pages: 624
Print run: 2000