Editions in a book form Problems of theoretical physics : book of abstracts of the XI Young Scientists Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (Kyiv, December 21—23, 2020) Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Scientific council «Plasma physics and plasma electronics» : 2020 annual report Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Other. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Soft matter systems for biomedical applications : offers selected papers from the 9th International conference «Physics of liquid matter: modern problems» (May 2021) Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals : book of abstracts of XXVth Galyna Puchkovska International School-Seminar (Kyiv, Ukraine, 21—24 September, 2021) Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Surface severe deformation of the carbon steels: microstructure and properties Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Titanium Alloys and Titanium-Based Metal Matrix Composites Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Transbaltica XI: Transportation Science and Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference TRANSBALTICA, May 2—3, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania Publication date: 2020. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: English. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form ХIX конф. з фізики високих енергій та ядерної фізики (Харків, Україна) : тези доповідей Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form ХXVII Міжнар. конф. з прискорювачів заряджених часток (Харків, Україна) : тези доповідей Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Collection of scientific papers. Language: Ukrainian. Section: Physical science.
Editions in a book form Scientific foundations of solving engineering tasks and problems Publication date: 2021. Publication types: Printed edition. Type of edition: Monographies. Language: English. Section: Engineering science.